Tuesday, March 4, 2008

The Story Behind a Picture...

Why I am blessed to do what I do.

I posted this picture to the right in a previous post, from a recent newborn session. I took this picture while the couple was having a moment with their daughter. They did not notice that I had taken this Willow Tree statue off the top of their entertainment center and snapped this picture. Later at home, I was drawn to this picture and decided to post it as part of their preview. I promised the couple I would post some images online so that while dad was away on a work trip, he could show off his little angel.

The next day mom sent me an email that brought me to tears, and I am grateful she is letting me share this story. Sometimes we don't realize how a photo can touch someone and how deep its story really can go:

" So About the statue....we were really touched that you
took that picture of the Hope statue...and it was
amazing you included it, considering you had no idea
when you took the picture what the statue means to us.
In June 2006, Tim and I lost our first baby, our son
Patrick. I was 5 months pregnant at the time. My water
just broke for no apparent reason and I delivered my
son two days later. He was stillborn, and the incident
was devastating to us. We got to hold him at least,
and we are so happy we were able to spend that short
time with him.

We had a difficult time moving forward and it took us
awhile to get up the courage to try again for another
baby, though its what we both desperately wanted. That
statue of the little boy holding the hope sign reminds
us of Patrick so much. We actually bought it shortly
before I lost him. Its crazy how much he gives us
signs, and we definitely took that as a big sign from
him that things will be okay.

That picture moved us to tears, and we truly believe
our son was with us that day. It may sound weird, but
I sometimes feel guilty that I am experiencing all of
this with Madeleine, and that I never got to
experience it with Patrick. However, seeing that
statue in the picture really made us think he somehow
was a part of that photo shoot with us."

I was taken back by this email because I had no idea that they had lost a son. I was just drawn to that statue because I have several just like it. After taking some deep breaths I wrote back to her, "Ok, I have finally stopped crying. I had to take a deep breathe and walk away for a couple of minutes. What a touching story. I am so sorry that you had to live through that. In the long run, I think it will only make you stronger.

Please don't feel guilty at all in enjoying your special little angel. She truly is a gift."

Later she responded back, " Im sorry I made you cry! Thank you for writing such a
sweet email back to me :) You now know how much it
meant to us to see that picture---Patrick was truly
working through you when you took that statue
down!!!!!! We had no idea you even used that statue!
It made us cry, but made us sooo incredibly happy at
the same time! ....

...Its all crazy, and we are just so happy to have her
here safe and healthy. She is a joy to us, and truly a
gift from our son.

We don't care how little sleep we get, to hear her cry
is such a blessing to us.

Thanks again for the joy you brought us!"

Thank you for letting me share this story. I am glad talking about Patrick brings you comfort and I hope it brings comfort to those whom who have had the same experience. It truly makes me realize how blessed and honored I am to be apart of such an experience.


Jeune Girl Crafts said...

That's amazing! Thank you for sharing! Very inspirational... now I have to go hug my kids :)

Erin said...

What a touching story, glad you shared... It's amazing how God lets us know that the ones we lost are still with us in our hearts - and that pain can be turned into good. We're glad you do what you do too!!

Teresa said...

That story brought tears to my eyes too, Meg. thank you and thank you to that strong family, for sharing.

Teresa (from HVM)